Isra says, “This is a fancy ice blended drink you can be proud of! It won’t bust your budget and tastes so cold and frothy; totally satisfies the fancy-frapp-craving.

It suddenly got really HOT here in Boston. Yesterday was nearing 90 degrees…and for me that means ONE thing, I want my ice blended drinks and I want them All.The.Time. I loved the Mocha last week, but this week I need to switch up the flavor and went for Vanilla!”

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Meagan says, “SAVING MONEY IN THE #ICEDCOFFEE SWAP CHALLENGE! I started this challenge at the beginning of the month, to see how much money I could save by switching from coffee house

Wrapping Up The International Delight #IcedCoffee Challenge…WOW!!

Toni says, “Very geek chic I know! After my in depth calculations it came to be that one (12 oz) cup of International Delight iced coffee ran about $.79 each

I Saved How Much with International Delight?!! #IcedCoffee

Shannon says, “Over the past month, I’ve had the opportunity to save money by drinking International Delight Iced Coffee rather than buying it from my local coffee house.  Wow!  I had no