Sadie says “It is a huge deal that I like anything that even comes close to tasting like coffee! I’ve tried other brands, and other flavors, but the only one I like is International Delight Iced Mocha. I love to blend it up with ice and zero calorie chocolate syrup, and I use it a lot in my breakfast shakes.”


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No Bake Mocha Cookies

Liz says “I recently went shopping at Sam’s Club to find International Delight Iced Coffee to participate in a recipe creation. I was extremely excited to not only try out

Coffee Smoothies with International Delights

Lea Ann says “Did you know you can get a two-pack of half-gallons of International Delight Iced Coffee at Sam’s Club for $6.47? That’s like $3.25ish a carton. That’s like

Pecan-Peach Coffee Smoothie #IcedDelight

Jessica says, “It was like having a dessert drink before sunrise, which may not be healthy – but it certainly ranked high on the delicious scale. It made my husband