Sadie says “It is a huge deal that I like anything that even comes close to tasting like coffee! I’ve tried other brands, and other flavors, but the only one I like is International Delight Iced Mocha. I love to blend it up with ice and zero calorie chocolate syrup, and I use it a lot in my breakfast shakes.”


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Coffee Smoothies with International Delights

Lea Ann says “Did you know you can get a two-pack of half-gallons of International Delight Iced Coffee at Sam’s Club for $6.47? That’s like $3.25ish a carton. That’s like

Sam’s Club & #IcedDelight Made My Summer!

Lori says “I set off in search of International Delight’s new Mocha Iced Coffee. And, since we drink coffee in bulk around here, Sam’s club was my first stop. Sam’s Club

Iced Mocha with Frozen Vanilla Latte Iced Cubes

Amanda says “Summer is now here and with summer come long hot day’s and nights. As a mom this means lots of trips to the park, splash pad, of course