Meagan says, “SAVING MONEY IN THE #ICEDCOFFEE SWAP CHALLENGE! I started this challenge at the beginning of the month, to see how much money I could save by switching from coffee house drinks to the uh-may-zingly delicious Iced Coffee in a carton from International Delight. To help me see those savings add up – I added a cool little gadget to my site, that automatically adds up the $4+ bucks a day that I’m not spending at Starbucks! See it over in the sidebar? Awesomesauce.”
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I Saved How Much with International Delight?!! #IcedCoffee
Shannon says, “Over the past month, I’ve had the opportunity to save money by drinking International Delight Iced Coffee rather than buying it from my local coffee house. Wow! I had no
Still Saving Big with International Delight #IcedCoffee
Shannon says, “The other day, I was craving coffee, but was out of Iced Coffee at home. I went to my local Starbucks and ouch! It hurt knowing how much
Wrapping Up The International Delight #IcedCoffee Challenge…WOW!!
Toni says, “Very geek chic I know! After my in depth calculations it came to be that one (12 oz) cup of International Delight iced coffee ran about $.79 each